Glenda Denise Hevia, PhD

Glenda Denise Hevia, PhD
Faculty Profile
I am a wildlife biologist passionate about studying and researching breeding biology, population ecology, and conservation management of avian populations, using mostly shorebirds as model species. I was born and raised in Cordoba, central Argentina, but once I discovered Patagonia, I moved to a coastal area. I have been fortunate to conduct research in remote locations, which has taught me a broad spectrum of skills.
Outside of research, I enjoy exploring different landscapes and cultures. Traveling, practicing yoga, and cycling keeps me grounded and inspired. I have travelled to over 30 countries and worked in Antarctica, first as a research technician in a summer station and later as an expedition guide and ornithologist onboard polar expeditions cruise ships. I had the chance to develop effective communication and collaboration skills through a diverse team of people, communities, and stakeholders. I am always excited to provide everyone with scientific knowledge and enriching wildlife experiences through education, hoping to help them develop a deeper connection with living organisms in our world.
Academics & Research
Research Interests
- Breeding biology
- Population ecology
- Conservation management of avian populations
Professional Affiliations
Hevia G.D., Bertellotti M., Gibson D., and D’Amico V.L. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 18(1), 1-15. 2023.
D’Amico V.L., Hevia G.D., Walker B., González P.M., and Bertellotti M. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 100, 25-32. 2021.
Bulla M., Reneerkens J., Weiser E., […], Hevia G.D., […], and Kempenaers B. Science, 364 (6445). 2019.
Hevia G.D., and Bala L.O. Wader Study, 125(2), 83-89. 2018.
Hevia G.D., Jordan F.D., Térorde N., Bertellotti M., and D’Amico V.L. Ornitología Neotropical, 29, 309-313. 2018.
D’Amico V.L., Hevia G.D., and Bertellotti M. Wader Study, 123(3), 1-5. 2016.
Grants and Awards
IdeaWILD (2024)
“Unraveling sex roles, parental care patterns, and predators during incubation of a plover species in coastal Patagonia.” (In-kind donation: 8 Hawkray Trail Camera 20MP 1080P (with a 32G Micro SD Card and 4AA batteries) + 2 EBL Lithium AA Batteries 24-Pack.
PICT – FONCYT (2023)
“Patrones de incubación de nidos y el rol del sexo en el cuidado parental de un ave playera patagónica: el Chorlo Doble Collar como modelo de estudio”. (ARS 1.840.000).
Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence (Germany) and Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague). (2021)
“Incubation rhythms of uniparental shorebird species: global collaborative research.” (€ 1000).
IdeaWILD (2020)
“Biparental care and incubation patterns of Two-Banded Plovers in coastal environments disturbed by human activities.” (In-kind donation: Steiner binocular 10x42mm, Canon SX530 PowerShot).
International Wader Study Group (IWSG) Small Grant Project (2017)
“Evaluation of the impact of human activities on physiological parameters of Two-Banded Plovers breeding at beaches in northern Patagonia, Argentina” (£970)
Ornithological Council (OC). (2016)
“Acciones de conservación para mitigar los impactos por actividades humanas sobre la población reproductiva del Chorlo Doble Collar en Patagonia, Argentina”. (U$D 2500).
IdeaWILD (2015)
“Conservation actions to mitigate human impacts on the breeding areas of Two-banded Plover in Patagonia.” (In-kind donation: Laptop Toshiba, GPS Garmin e-Trex 10, Camera Sony DSC-W800, Steiner binocular 10x42mm, Spotting scope 15x45mm).
ICB Australis Award (2019)
“Patrones de incubación de nidos de Chorlos Doble Collar (Charadrius falklandicus) en ambientes costeros impactados por actividades humanas”. ICB NGO.
First Prize for Poster Presentation: Doctoral Fellows Meeting, CENPAT-CONICET. (2019)
“Valores hematológicos de adultos reproductores de Charadrius falklandicus durante la nidificación en playas del noreste de Chubut, Patagonia Argentina”. Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
First Prize for Poster Presentation: International Wader Study Group Conference. Workum, The Netherlands. (2018)
“Nest survival and return rates of the Two-banded Plover breeding at Patagonia, Argentina.”
Hevia G.D., Bertellotti, M., and D’Amico V.L. 10th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Sackville, NB, Canada.
Hevia. G. D. Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence. Seewiessen, Germany.
Hevia G.D., Fiorito, C.D., Terorde, N., Jordan, F.D., Podestá, D.H., Esmoris, A., Villarreal R.F., Burgueño, L., Corbalán, N.S., Chaparro, M.A., Bertellotti, M., and D’Amico, V.L. 7th North American Ornithological (Virtual) Conference.
Hevia G.D., Bertellotti, M., and D’Amico V.L. 8th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Panama City.
Hevia G.D., Sandercock, B.K., Jordan F.D., Terorde N., Bertellotti M., and D’Amico V.L. International Wader Study Group Annual Conference. Workum, The Netherlands.
Hevia G.D., and D’Amico, V.L. 7th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting. Paracas, Ica, Perú.
Hevia G.D., Martínez-Curci N.S., Imberti S., Matus, R., and D’Amico V.L. 1st Ornithological Congress of the Americas. Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina.
2016. Hevia G.D., Bertellotti M., Cabrera M.B., and D’Amico V.L. 1st Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference. CIAT, Cali, Colombia.
Hevia G.D., D’Amico V.L., Bertellotti M., Galindo-Espinosa D., and Sandercock B.K. 6th North American Ornithological Conference. Washington DC. USA.
Hevia G.D., and Bala L.O. 5th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting. Santa Marta, Colombia.
Hevia G.D., Cabrera M.B., and Castro K. 5th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting. Santa Marta, Colombia.
Hevia G.D., and Johnston-González R. 4th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.