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I am a marine and coastal resource manager working on impact-based environmental challenges. I received a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) degree from the Nowacek Bioacoustics and Engineering Lab at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and the Duke University Marine Lab and a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies from Connecticut College.
I hold certificates in conservation biology, geospatial analysis, and community-based environmental management. My interests lie at the intersection of protected species management and policy, community-based conservation, and the Blue Economy. I came to Duke with a breadth of experiences, including tropical marine biology research, experiential teaching, and marine policy. My Master’s Project focused on practical approaches for reducing ocean noise by utilizing multi-sectoral dialogues and geo-processing technology.
I joined the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) Office of Strategic Policy and International Affairs in 2022 where I lead the international portfolios for environmental science, marine sound, and marine minerals and staff multiple international multilateral groups.
Fun fact: I am a mom to a Turks and Caicos potcake puppy named Oakley!