Andrew Staley

Andrew Staley
Staff Profile
Growing up south of Boston, I was exposed to the wonders of the ocean at a young age. My fascination and love for the ocean led me to spend the fall of 2018 as an abroad student on Big South, where I not only was captivated by the reef, mangrove, and seagrass ecosystems, but I got my first real glimpse of climate change in action. Most of all, I fell in love with the community on South and vowed to return as staff. After graduating from Denison University in Granville, Ohio, I spent several years trying to find my footing in the world of environmental science, working on an oyster farm, in a biopharmaceutical facility, and for a lab sustainability startup. I also began working on earning my master’s degree in sustainability. However, I knew where I wanted to be – on Big South.
I am thrilled to be returning to the center as a program and waterfront assistant to further the mission of SFS CMRS. I hope to leverage my extensive experience with the community (I’ve returned to South three times since 2018) to continue to build a strong relationship between the residents of the island and the center. If I’m not at the center aiding in waterfront activities, you will probably find me playing basketball with students or out in town running. In my spare time, I also enjoy reading, playing with the community dogs, and practicing yoga and breathwork.