Jennifer Wanyingi

Jennifer Wanyingi
Faculty Profile
Jennifer holds a BSc. in teaching and a MSc. Degree in wildlife management from Moi university, Kenya. Before joining SFS she was involved in projects related to primates as well as partly lectured at the university. During her master’s research, she investigated drivers for human elephant conflicts in Shimba Hills national reserve, while relating to community livelihood dependence on agriculture. She designed research project that would enhance local livelihood activity such as beekeeping project. She further engaged the local community in conservation of honey badger through use of various mitigation measures to curb beehive destruction. She has had collaborations with other researchers in Africa, specifically in the field of primatology. She has teaching experience in several courses such as community based natural resource management, primate behavioral ecology, protected area management, environmental courses, and geographic information systems.
In Southern Kenya, Amboseli ecosystem she is particularly interested in pursuing research and teaching that explores the species ecological interaction with dynamic land use, urban ecology, integration of local community resource management with technology.
Academics & Research
Research Interests
- Species ecology and dynamics
- Rural livelihoods around protected areas in Kenya
- Geographic Information Science applications
Journal of Papers in Science, Available at (open access article): ISSN: 2314-534X.
African Journal of Education, Science and Technology 1(2): 163-172.
A plenary paper presented at the Inaugural Congress of the African Primatological Society (APS), held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, from 24th to 27th 2017