John Warui Kiringe, PhD

John Warui Kiringe, PhD
Faculty Profile
I am an ecologist, environment and conservation biology expert with enormous cross-functional experience and expertise in; wildlife and range ecology, conservation biology, community conservation and natural resources management spanning more than 20years. I have a more than 20 years proven experience in teaching and mentoring University graduate and undergraduate students. I hold a BSc. Honors Degree in Botany and Zoology, and a MSc. Degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. I earned by Ph.D. Degree in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Biology from the University of Leicester in Britain in 1994. My teaching career began early 1994 when I joined the University of Nairobi as a lecturer in the Department of Zoology. I later joined the School for Field Studies (SFS) in Fall 2000 as a Wildlife Ecology Resident Faculty at the Kilimanjaro Bush Camp, in Kimana, Kenya.
I have participated in numerous consultancy assignments cutting across different disciplines including; human-wildlife conflicts, range and water resources management, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), socio-economic baseline surveys, community conservation and wildlife surveys. Some of the key skills I possess include; assessment of human-wildlife conflicts and mitigation strategies, evaluation of water resources status and utilization, installation of water use and discharge monitoring “tools”, evaluation of watershed environmental integrity and Ecosystems Services(ES),designing and conducting wildlife surveys and monitoring, environmental assessment and planning, writing of natural resources conservation proposals and technical reports, development/writing of management plans for protected areas, planning and conducting; environmental audits (EAs), environmental and social impact assessment (EIA), social, natural resources, ecological and vegetation surveys, logistics planning and coordination, ecosystem and biodiversity resources characterization and analysis, facilitation of scientific seminars/conferences and workshops.
As a biologist, my research interests are diverse but my key interest is in; wildlife and range ecology, water use and bush meat dynamics. My hobbies include playing volleyball, hiking and listening to country music.
Areas of Expertise
- Wildlife and range ecology
- Water use and bush meat dynamics
Research Projects
Fall 2013-Spring 2014: A landscape analysis of the environmental and water status along the Kimana-Kikarankot River system, Amboseli Ecosystem
Spring 2011-Spring 2013: A landscape analysis of the environmental and water status along the Noolturesh River system, Amboseli Ecosystem
Spring 2007 – Fall 2010: Range condition changes and their trends in the Maasai group ranches of the Amboseli region and their impacts on the environment, local livelihoods and wildlife conservation
Summer 2008: An assessment of attitudes towards elephants and wildlife conservation among the youth of the Amboseli-Tsavo wildlife dispersal areas
Spring 2008: The impact of tourism and other anthropogenic activities on the behaviour and ecology of Olive baboon in the Lake Manyara Region of Northern Tanzania
Summer 2007: Perspectives of developers and commercial stakeholders on wildlife conservation in the Kitengela wildlife dispersal area
June-August 2006: A preliminary survey on wildlife poaching for bush meat in the Amboseli region, Southern Kajiado District
Fall 2004-Fall 2006: The impacts of large herbivores and humans on the ecological status and dynamics of critical wildlife – habitats in the dispersal area between Tsavo/Chyulu and Amboseli National Parks. This research investigated the effects of humans and the African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) on woody species in Acacia tortilis woodlands in the Maasai group ranches of the Amboseli region
Fall 2002-Spring 2004: The impact of Maasai settlements (bomas) on ethno-medicinal and useful non-medicinal woody species in Kuku Group Ranch, Southern Kajiado District
2002-2003: Use and availability of tree and shrub resources in Kuku Group Ranch, Southern Kajiado District
Fall 2000-Spring 2002: An assessment of ethno-botanical resources: their potential, utilization and threats in Kuku Group Ranch, Southern Kajiado District
Kipkosgei, L.,Kiringe, J.W. and Mwasi, S. (2018). Habitat conditions in a continuously grazed wildlife sanctuary in Kenya. Journal of Environment and Earth Science 8 (8): 131-139
Mwaura, F., Kiringe, J.W., Fiesta Warinwa & Phillip Wandera (2016). Estimation of the economic value for the consumptive water use ecosystem service benefits of the Chyulu Hills watershed, Kenya. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 4(4): 36-48
Warinwa, F., Mwaura, F., Kiringe, J.W. & Ndubi, A.O. (2016) Land-cover dynamics in the Kirisia Forest Ecosystem, Samburu County, Kenya. Advances in Remote Sensing 5:168-182
Francis Mwaura, Kiringe, J.W. & Fiesta Warinwa. (2016). Land Cover Dynamics in the Chyulu Watershed Ecosystem, Makueni-Kajiado Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 4(3): 17-26
Kiringe, J. W., Mwaura, F & Warinwa, F. (2016). Characterization of water source types and uses in Kirisia Forest watershed, Samburu County, Kenya. Environment and Natural Resources Research 6 (3): 77-90
Kiringe,J. W. Mwaura, F & Warinwa, F. (2016). Characterization of Chyulu Hills watershed ecosystem services in South-Eastern Kenya. Environment and Natural Resources Research 6 (3): 65-76
Okello, Moses. et al. (2016). Population density of elephants and other key large herbivores in the Amboseli ecosystem of Kenya in relation to droughts. Journal of Arid Environments 135: 64-74.
Okello, Moses. et al. (2016). Post drought population status and trend of specialized browsers in the mid Kenya-Tanzania Borderland. Natural Resources 7: 580 – 610.
Okello, M.M., Njumbi, S.J., Kiringe J.W., and Isiche, J. (2016). Prevalence of human – elephant conflicts in Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya: current opinions of local community. International Journal for Biodiversity Conservation 8(3): 60 – 71.
Okello, Moses. et al. (2016). Population Status and Trend of the Maasai Ostrich in the Mid Kenya-Tanzania Borderland. Natural Resources 7: 558 – 579.
Okello, Moses. et al. (2015). Status and population trend of the common eland in the Kenya – Tanzania borderland: 2010 and 2013 survey analysis. International Journal of Biodiversity Conservation 7(4): 254 – 266
Okello, M.M., Njumbi, S.J., Kiringe J.W., and Isiche, J. (2015). Habitat use and preference by the African elephant, and management implications in the Amboseli Landscape, Kenya. International Journal of Biodiversity Conservation 7(3):211-226
Okello, Moses. et al. (2015). Population status and trend of the Maasai giraffe in the mid Kenya-Tanzania borderland. Natural Resources 6: 159 – 173
Okello, Moses. Et al., (2015). Population status and trend of water dependent grazers (buffalo and waterbuck) in the Kenya-Tanzania borderland. Natural Resources 6: 91 – 114
Okello, Moses. et al., (2015). The status of key large mammals in the Kenya – Tanzania borderland: a comparative analysis and conservation implications. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 7(4): 267-276
Okello, M.M., Kiringe, J. W. and Tome, S. (2014). Water quantity and quality dimensions in public and environmental health among the Maasai of Amboseli area, Kenya. Environment and Natural Resources Research 4(3): 227-244.
Okello, M.M., Kiringe, J.W. and Warinwa, F. (2014). Human-carnivore conflicts in private conservancy lands of Elerai and Oltiyiani in Amboseli Area, Kenya. Natural Resources 5: 375 391.
Okello, M. et al. (2014). Prevalence and severity of current human-elephant conflicts in Amboseli Ecosystem, Kenya: insights from the field and key informants. Natural Resources 5: 462-477
Kioko, J. Kiringe, J.W., & Seno, S. (2012). Impacts of livestock grazing on a savanna grassland in Kenya. Journal of Arid Land 4(1):29−35.
Okello, M. and Kiringe, J.W. (2011). The influence of swamps and seasons on the density and diversity of large mammals in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Chapter 6 in Elephants: Ecology, behaviour and conservation.
Kioki, J. Kiringe, J.W., & Wahungu, G (2010). Youth’s knowledge, attitudes and practices on wildlife and environmental conservation in Maasai land, Kenya. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 27: 91-101
Kiringe, J. W. and Okello, M.M. (2010). Degradation of rangelands: causes, ecological, wildlife conservation and socio-economic implications. In Horizons in Earth Science Research. Volume 1. pp. 1-76.
Okello, M.M., Kiringe, J. W. & Kioko, J.M. (2009). The dilemma of balancing conservation and strong tourism interests in a small national park: the case of Amboseli, Kenya. Chapter 6 in National Parks: Biodiversity, Conservation and Tourism. pp 117 – 130
Kiringe, J. W. Moses Makonjio Okelloand Sylvia W. Ekajul. (2007). Managers’ perceptions of threats to the protected areas of Kenya: prioritization for effective management. Oryx 41(3):1-8
Kiringe, J. W. (2006). A survey of traditional health remedies used by the Maasai of Southern Kajiado District, Kenya. Ethno-botany Research and Applications 4:57-69
Kioko, J., Kiringe, J.W., & Omondi, P. (2006). Human-elephant conflict outlook in the Tsavo-Amboseli Ecosystem. Pachyderm 56: 41-52
Kiringe, J. W. and Okello, M (2005). Use and availability of tree and shrub resources on Maasai communal rangelands near Amboseli, Kenya. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 22: 37-45
Kiringe, J.W. (2005). Ecological and anthropological threats to ethno-medicinal plant resources and their utilization in Maasai communal ranches in the Amboseli region of Kenya. Ethno-botany Research and Applications 3: 231-241
Okello, M.& Kiringe, J. W. (2004). Threats to biodiversity and their implications in protected and adjacent dispersal areas of Kenya. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 12(1): 55-69
J. K. Mworia, J. K. Kinyamario and J. W. Kiringe (2002). Tree Layer Dynamics under Different Land Uses and Soils in Semi-arid Areas of Kenya. Discovery and Innovation-Multi-disciplinary Journal of the African Academy of Sciences Special Edition, 68-75.
P. Tattersfield, C. M. Warui, M.B. Seddon and J. W. Kiringe (2001). Land-snail Faunas of Afromontane Forests of Mount Kenya, Kenya: Ecology, Diversity and Distribution Patterns. J. of Biogeography 28:843-861.
July 11 and 16, 2009: Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) conference in Beijing China and presented a paper entitled “Perceptions on range condition changes in Maasai communal ranches and their impact on livelihoods and wildlife conservation in the Amboseli ecosystem”. I also moderated a session during the conference.
September 17-19, 2008: The 6th Faculty of veterinary medicine biennial scientific conference and exhibition at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and presented a key-note speech on “Impact of climate change on environmental degradation and human-wildlife conflict”
April 18-20, 2007: Wildlife conference at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya organized by the Kenya Wildlife Service whose theme was “Research imperatives for biodiversity conservation” I presented a paper entitled “Sedentarization of the Maasai and its implications to wildlife conservation in the Amboseli Region”.
July 1-5, 2007: The 21st conference for Society for Conservation Biology (Con Bio) in Port Elizabeth South Africa and presented a paper entitled “ Bush meat crisis in wildlife dispersal areas of Tsavo West, Chyulu and Amboseli National Parks, South-Western Kenya”.
August 29-September 2, 2006: The 2nd annual international conference at Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya and presented a paper entitled “Capitalizing on the bio-economic value of ethno-botanical resources and traditional knowledge to enhance livelihoods of poor rural communities in Kenya: the case of the Maasai of Southern Kajiado District”.
May 13, 2000: A one day workshop aimed at mainstreaming the University of Nairobi on Global Environmental Conservation initiatives (At Chiromo Campus, University of Nairobi, Kenya).
May 3 and 4, 2000: Inaugural conference towards an ecological society for Eastern Africa (ESEA) which was held at the National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. The conference also focused on integrating environmental sustainability and development in East Africa.
June 14-15, 2000: The 20th International meeting and workshop of the International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA) in Hong Kong. I presented a paper entitled “Geothermal energy prospecting and development: the need for a comprehensive environmental impact assessment”.
March 22-27, 1999: Attended the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) workshop on Early Warning Systems, Management and Prevention of Alien Invasive Species at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I presented a paper entitled “The alien invasive species Problem in Kenya”.